Vixen Brawl marks 20th Annual May Birthday Bash «

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Vixen Brawl marks 20th Annual May Birthday Bash

By Gracie Gallegos

We always try to do something different. Back in the days of the Beverly Park Tavern, we had our first May Birthday Bash for my birthday. It was a Toga Party and dart tournament. I wore a Minnie Mouse sheet!

Pajama parties are, and always will be a keeper. At the Sidetrack in Georgetown, we did Burlap Shoots, Pajama Shoots, and the best one I remember was the “Goof” Shoots. Where you draw from a hat how you must shoot your game. Maybe from a chair, or a barstool, from your knees, or on the board next to you, opposite-handed (watch out for Suzanne, she’s pretty good with both hands), a foot closer, or further, etc. It always made for an interesting night, and a pretty level playing field.

Over the years, it has grown to include more and more May babies. For the last 15 years or so it has been Gracie and Kelly who decide what the format will be. We’ve had parties that didn’t even include darts, but still drew a huge crowd and good times. Last year we did the Chelan Café in West Seattle. Dancing and karaoke ruled the night, with the red hat/pink hat theme.

This year will be the first in about four years that involves darts again. There are 35 May babies on our guest list, 21 of which are woman, 18 that play darts. So ladies?

This year’s May Birthday Bash is a dart tournament, and it is going to be AWESOME!

R Bar & Grill in Renton is going to add $500.00 Guaranteed for a women’s dart tourney, or Vixen Brawl. As if that weren’t enough, we’ve got hardware too! Yup, trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place.

There are now DartsLive boards in many Western Washington locations, and most of these (if not all) are giving away free players cards. Get your card, make sure your partner has theirs and let’s play some darts - girly style! Doubles, 13 pt Team Limit, Handicapped, $5.00 Entry.

R Bar has awesome food and great service, and will feature a DJ for dancing and karaoke.

For the guys, I’m sure we can keep you busy. Maybe we will bring in a few extra boards, and let you battle it out to keep you busy while you service your better halves.


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